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Jockstraps and fertility rates - alarming correlation
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Author: jocksnsocks2002
Date Posted:
11/28/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: Jockstraps and fertility rates - alarming correlation
Today, the international edition of "The New York Times" reported that the fertility rate in the United States has declined consistently over the past two decades. Studies have indicated more than a -15% change.

Some people ascribe the decline to changes in the economy, others to the postponement of marriage.

As someone who is of an older generation, I would like to suggest a possible correlation between the decline in fertility rates with the decline in the use of jockstraps/athletic supporters, especially by young men who are transitioning through puberty into reproductive capabilities.

I am well aware that the jockstrap today is viewed negatively in many parts of the world. It is scoffed at or associated with either fashion undergear or a fetish garment. What has been lost since the 1980s is the understanding that jockstraps were and are a form of preventive sports medicine.

The design of a traditional jockstrap (most notably the traditional Bike # 10 prior to the 7000 series in the 1980s) is specifically to prevent (1) genital injury through stress and impact, and (2) the regulation of heat to protect the vitality of sperm.

The two testicles are suspended with individual cords. The pouch of the jockstrap is designed to prevent the testicles from shifting position, and consequently twisting the cords. The cords sustain the blood flow to the testicles, and if that blood flow is interrupted, the testicles are subject to a shortage of oxygen. The term "blue balls" rightly describes the aftermath of a sustained absence of blood and oxygen to the testicles.

The jockstrap pouch which is porous (in contrast with those which are made using closed fabric like underwear) regulates the climate around the genitals. Strenuous activity raises the body temperature, and in the case of the penis and sac, the temperature is actually higher. The porous pouch allows both the wicking away of accumulated moisture, and regulates the temperature around the genitals.

A properly worn jockstrap keeps the two testicles securely in place so that in the course of strenuous exercise, there is less chance for damage - the so-called "pinching" when a testicle is caught between moving thighs. For most Americans who practice circumcision, the exposed head of the penis is far more vulnerable to injury, and so the jockstrap pouch provides a secure holding to minimize the possibility.

We must also include mention of hard protective cups for every athlete and workman whose genitals are likely targets of direct impact.

I am not a doctor of medicine, but I am a long-time athlete, retired military and retired coach. When I read about the decline in fertility, I wondered out loud how many young men today participate in sports or in yard work or in other strenuous activities while not wearing a jockstrap? By not securing their genitals prior to engaging in these activities, are these young men now more susceptible to injury? I am not merely describing the occasional strike to the genitals, but rather the constant stress and strain placed upon the genitals when riding a bike or mowing the lawn or playing hockey or running bases.

Our young men should be properly educated - as they were for decades prior to the 1980s - about the medical imperative of wearing a jockstrap.

I would like to thank the readers, and hope that many of you might further this dialogue because it seems that there is an alarming correlation between the decline in fertility and the decline in the use of jockstraps.
Author: Bike57
Date Posted:
1/2/2020 12:00:00 AM

Subject: Fertility and Jockstrap usage
I think you got this 100%. The medical field agrees that any bruising or constant trauma to the boys will put them in defense mode until they heal, just like any other organ. Strap up men and boys and preserve the species!
Author: mascjock
Date Posted:
1/5/2020 12:00:00 AM

Subject: Jocks and fertility
I believe the issue is a temperature thing - wearing tight underwear such as a jock keeps the testicles closer to the body and elevates their temperature - bad for the sperm. it is better for sperm production to keep the testicles farther from the body. That being said, I'd much rather stay jocked then worry about high sperm content..
Author: Strapped Wrangler
Date Posted:
4/4/2020 12:00:00 AM


I just got my doctor's report. My FREE TESTOSTERONE is higher than the average young man in his 20's. And it is more than twice as high as men my age. I am 75.
I have worn a jock all my life.

People say that I look 20 years younger than my age. They ask my secret. I am too embarrassed to tell them. But I have always felt that wearing a jock kept my testosterone up high and my hormones kept me feeling and acting young.

I want to correct 2 old wives tales mentioned above:

1) Wearing a jock will NOT raise your temperature enough to affect sperm nor testosterone. A hot tub will, or being obese. The mesh pouch actually helps.

2) Very few men ever get their balls hit or bruised. What causes the cells to calcify is the daily wear of rubbing, tugging or vibrations. You cannot feel it happening and cannot see any difference. But a sonogram can see it.

I wore a jock because when I keep my balls cozy and happy I have more sex drive at the end of the day. It turns out that what felt right was good for my health.

In former generations men wore jocks because their fathers told them to. It was collective "folk wisdom" of the male species back to ancient times.

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