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How can you approach a guy who you clearly see he is wearing a jockstrap?
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Author: jacqueklein
Date Posted:
10/21/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: How can you approach a guy who you clearly see he is wearing a jockstrap?
Is there any way to start a conversation with a guy about his jockstrap after you notice it ? One day at work a guy bent down and I saw what I thought was the rainbow BIKE waistband... I wanted to say something but didn't. Maybe it was best that I did not but I often wonder... I can usually tell when a guy is interested... love to hear how you would go about it. It is not a common thing for me to see now and I get all excited when I do.
Author: Bike57
Date Posted:
10/22/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: Aproaching another jock strapped guy
How about "Hey where did you get that cool jock? I've been looking for one just like that." Maybe he's a jock fan like yourself would really open up to you if you only asked. Obviously he's got it on because he likes to wear one, so why not find out more about him.
Author: boswrestler
Date Posted:
10/22/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: make a joke about it
Have Dave is there some danger to this job that I should be wearing a cup for ?
Author: jockbros
Date Posted:
10/23/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: cool
I've never seen a guy in a jock outside a gym/locker room, but I'd love to haha. In the gym or locker room, I usually go with the bro head nod, and say "nice jock, man" and sometimes show him my waistband to show him I'm wearing one too.
Author: n2jocks
Date Posted:
10/24/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: How can you approach a guy who you can clearly see he is wearing a jockstrap?
The summer before I started college I was working with my dad. He was a maintenance man for the Wendy's Hamburgers chain. I was hired to help do minor maintenance jobs when one of the other guys quit. While I was working at one store they received a food/supplies shipment. The guy driving the tractor trailer was in his late 20's and as he worked and bent over to unload stuff from the trailer, I could see the waist band of his Bike 10 jockstrap sticking up above his jeans. It was so hot and I wanted to say something to him about wearing a jockstrap while working. But I was in the closet and afraid to approach him at that young age. I am sure he wore the jock since he had to do so much lifting. But I also thought maybe he had a hernia or maybe some type of operation that required him to wear a jockstrap for a while. It would have been fun to find out. Of course I would have love to have sucked him off through his jock too.
Author: n2jocks
Date Posted:
12/30/2019 12:00:00 AM

Subject: How can you approach a guy you can clearly see he is wearing a jockstrap?
There was another time I saw a guy wearing those bicycle type shorts at the mall. He was very well built and showed an nice big bulge in his shorts. Since the shorts were a lighter color and not black I could tell he had a jockstrap on under his shorts. I kind of followed him around and as he left the mall I stopped him and asked him what brand of jockstrap he was wearing. He then pulled out a policeman's badge and showed it to me and walked away. He could not arrest me as I did not solicit him...I just asked what brand of jockstrap he was wearing....what a douche! Another time I was a different guy wearing similar shorts but they were black and he shoed a very nice bulge with a long soft cock hanging down his left leg. As we walked in the mall I walked up to him and asked him... "Is that really you in those shorts?" and his answer was..."There ain't no one else in there." I then said it was impressive and off he went. He showed no interest in hooking up with me....oh well! An another time a guy was jogging along the road and he was wearing old time nylon jogging shorts with a beautiful bulge in them. As he walked back to his car in a parking lot I asked him if he wore a jockstrap while jogging. He told me no as a jockstrap caused him to chafe. So it does take a little nerve to ask a guy about his just do it.
Author: Strapped Wrangler
Date Posted:
10/26/2020 12:00:00 AM


I was about 40 years old and used the gym at the college I was doing some work at. I came out of the showers and went to my locker. A guy came in on the other side of the bench from me obviously after a hard workout. Very close to me. He had no shirt on. He pulled off his gym shorts without taking his shoes off first, and was in his jock. He was the man anyone would want to be.

Before he took his jock off too, I looked at him and said, "Jockstraps are great! A man never looks more manly than in a jockstrap. You are really fit. You can be proud!"

He stopped undressing and pulled out a clip board and started doing some sort of records or calculations. He stood there the whole time in front of me in just his jockstrap until I had finished drying off and dressing. It was a relaxed 10 minutes. He obviously made himself available for me to appreciate his fit manly body in his jockstrap. I didn't stare but he knew he was being admired.

I am sure he was straight. But straight guys like to be admired, and they appreciate you telling them, if you can find a way to do it that builds them up instead of making them feel like their jockstrap makes them bait for a cruzing fag.

In a better situation he might have liked to "get it on" too. Straight athletes will sometimes do hot sexual "buddy stuff"...just a testosterone release, "of course"! But it would be a mistake to think he wanted to be gay about it. Trust me; I have had my share of fun with straight guys. But you have to do it in a way that makes it be a manly thing, and honors their limits.

Another time I was at a college gym and two guys a few benches away undressed and were wearing jocks. We talked a little. Not about jocks. They asked if I wanted to go out for a beer. Unfortunately my schedule didn't allow it. I wonder what would have happened.

It's not unusual for guys to make friends at the gym. But I felt that me also wearing a jock was a positive connecting point. I think guys who wear jocks have strong feelings about it. We understand each other.

Author: workoutbud09
Date Posted:
11/22/2020 12:00:00 AM

Subject: If he's showing it, he just might want to be approached

Maybe if he's showing his strap, he might be using that as a signal that he wants to be approached. Experience has shown me that another strapped guy in the lockerroom is more likely to acknowledge me if they see my jock, than an unstrapped guy. I also think some guys are paranoid or afraid of being judged if they make reference to a jock. They won't be paranoid if they get their balls wacked during a game, and they're not jocked.
Author: SwimmerJock
Date Posted:
12/14/2020 12:00:00 AM

Subject: Jock the Lock, then Lock your Jock, clearly visible !
While not actually wearing your jockstrap, simply lock the butt/leg strap(s) and/or lower pouch connection of a jockstrap of choice (from your collection) through the padlock of your locker while you are working out and/or during your visit to the spa/shower facilities. This practice serves several purposes, not the least of which is to advertise, normalize, and revitalize the preference of a jockstrap for use as normal athletic wear to a large number of guys in a male-only setting. The pride and confidence of the man will often be acknowledged by honest “strap-chat” from other locker room users, when he returns to his locker. There’s a great deal of comfort taken by another guy who might otherwise find wearing a jockstrap intimidating, when he sees another strapper willing to advertise and/or discuss his comfort with jocks. In addition, the visible jockstrap, locked on the exterior of the locker, gives the dedicated jock fan (or a curious new strapper) a chance to quickly “sneak-a-sniff” in passing through the locker room, or while using an adjacent locker. In the last few months, I have experimented with the “Jock the Lock” practice. Surprisingly, a few interesting locker room conversations have begun, as well as noticeably more jockstraps appearing on other guys at the gym. We may ultimately begin to quickly identify true jockstrap fans by noticing all of the well-hung jockstraps displayed in any given locker room. Finally, there’s no easier way to quickly find your locker than by spotting your own jockstrap (by color, brand, and/or stains) skewed to the padlock on your chosen locker. No better way to say, “I am an athletic supporter!”
Author: JockerBuddy
Date Posted:
5/16/2024 12:00:00 AM

Subject: You could try
Point to the waistband and say, "I see you like to wear jockstraps too."
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